Saturday, 28 June 2014

Blackberry Z10

Blackberry presented it's BBZ10 smartphone to the world on January 30th 2013.  This fully touch screen phone competes aggressively with its Samsung, iPhone and Nokia Lumia rivals.  There is great debate about which of these smart phones are the better buy.  Which do you prefer?


  1. Blackberry has failed in the areas of optimization and advancements with hardware and os...they solely depended on their flagship software BBM messenger. Therefore they are playing ketchup with the others like Samsung and the rest

  2. Agreed. I had more expectations from this device. The handset and durability is OK, but functionality is way behind the competitors on the market. Better luck next time guys!

  3. I prefer the iPhone over the BB (over any brand actually), but I'm willing to try a Samsung. BB phones "freeze up" to often & a simple thing as installing an app you need to reboot the device which takes forever.
